Shot with a Huawel P30 Pro
Walking the near empty streets at what used to be one of the world's busiest airport, Changi Airport in Singapore, amid the global health pandemic outbreak.
This is what Changi Airport Singapore looks like now.
Through the lens of a smartphone, the airport's final...
Hi guys, took a short snippet using [only my Samsung S8 Plus] of the sights and sounds of SINGAPORE Changi Airport @ the tallest Indoor Waterfall in the world..
Also testing out some smartphone videography just for the fun of it, hope u enjoy it!
I am transferring 8mm to digital using my Galaxy A10. Can anyone tell me the best android software I could use. I would like to slow down the frame rate to 12/14fps and I am not clear if I should set the anti-banding to off. Any suggestion other then “you can't do it” would be greatly appreciated.
I've recently started dipping my toes into the world of simple smartphone photography and videography, been using some different styles and techniques in my recent trip to Okinawa Japan.
Glad to share some of my trials and errors in this thread for your comments to improve my skills for the...
Once again trying to max out the capabilities of my Samsung S8+ in Okinawa.
This time on route to Kouri Island, with afew pit stops along the way:
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Samsung J7 + Apexel 25mm Macro lens 10x
Strymon sp by Rui Oliveira Santos, no Flickr
Alone by Rui Oliveira Santos, no Flickr
Bee and flowers by Rui Oliveira Santos, no Flickr
Fly by Rui Oliveira Santos, no Flickr
Bee and Flower by Rui Oliveira Santos, no Flickr
Bee by Rui Oliveira...
I was walking around my lawn getting some fresh air, wasn't really taking pictures but just taking a break from something and I looked down and saw this really red leaf laying there and I picked it up and took this picture with my phone!
It made me realize the change is inevitable, it's coming...
I have begun looking at some smartphone apps related to cloud cover and light timing. The light timings could be very useful to get a better idea of the location and situation before spending hours in the car to find out the lighting is wrong due to the landscape.
Anyone have any experience...
Yes, of course it does. However, I'm only aiming to spend around 250$. Besides that, I own a Galaxy s5, which takes fairly fine photos, just without me being able to control much of the camera's settings and with frustratingly long shutter speeds once the sun stops shining.
I would also like the...
So...I'm new on this forum, but I think I'll stick around. I'm a sort of "real" photographer, I guess. I've shot model and product shots am-professionally for work, and plenty of family shots over the years. Canon 7D is my main camera. Prosumer, I guess and not full frame, but a very decent...