1 Portrait for C&C


TPF Noob!
Sep 2, 2009
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Portrait of my mother (only do a "yo-mama"-joke if it is absolutely hillarious"

Lightning: light 1. with umbrella ~ 45° model axis on camera left, just above eye-height.
Light 2. bare flash 20° model axis camera right, slightly below model aimed ~10° upwards (low power only a fill)

Lighting is good. Not sure why you cut off her right hair.
LOL .. you are so funny. Uncropped version is better.

"Your Momma is so dirty, I get an ear infection when I talk to her on the phone"
"Your Momma is so dirty, I get an ear infection when I talk to her on the phone"

Alrighty then! *cracks nuckles and stretches*.

"Your mom goes to college." (Yeah so what, I like the punchline.)

"yo mama so fat, her blood type is Ragu"

"you so ugly your mom fed you with a slingshot." (I just like it okay.)

In all seriousness though good picture I like the original better.
Thanks for the C&C lets say pre-crop won over tard-crop, lucky me to have the TPF brain-thrust at my service ^^

Sidenote: "Your Momma is so dirty, I get an ear infection when I talk to her on the phone" <----Legit
Hah yeah props on that one.

"Yo mama so dirty that Saddam Hussain tried to import her bath water to use as chemical weapons."

"yo mama so dirty she has to creep up on the bath water."

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