20140412|41.227753|-95.928614|18:49-Zulu|-GEWS Alert-


Yup, It's The Zoo Guy
Supporting Member
Oct 3, 2013
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Louisville, Nebraksa - United States
Can others edit my Photos
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brava. :thumbup::hugs::lovey::hail:
I was going to say, # 3 looked like an odd looking gorilla but you mentioned it was a Bison :p
I like # 1
# 2 is good, though he has a stick growing out of his head & shoulder :)
:biggrin: Back to business, I was really hoping you'd post a gorilla this time, awesome. Love the expression in #2, as if saying 'I know I'm the Hunk here :er:', as if he knew he was being photographed. :) I would give my left arm to photograph one of them in the wild, or in the zoo for that matter. #3 is pretty cool too, but #2 really steals the show.

BTW I'm following this naming convention too, just to avoid confusing braineack :p
are we gonna have to GPS our coordinates for every posting now ?
Very nice! particularly the 1st.
Is that a thread title or the losing PowerBall numbers :confused:
I figured if they were the winning number the photo's would have been of your gorilla butler serving drinks to your posse on your new yacht :hail:
I figured if they were the winning number the photo's would have been of your gorilla butler serving drinks to your posse on your new yacht :hail:

They were - I just suck and backgrounds.. lol

Actually it was sort of a joke from another thread, Braineack got a little huffy about me reusing the thread title "Some more from the weekend", thus the nearly unreadable thread title was born.. lol
Gees, there's a great lesson for anyone looking at that first shot .... a photo is only worth one word ...... IMPACT !! Makes you stop and look and look and look :) Love it, just wreaks of natural power and what a shot to have. Second pose is also great, no way would I argue with that beast :) Bison looks good as well and a decent setting for it.

All the best and that first shot is amazing IMO.

Actually it was sort of a joke from another thread, Braineack got a little huffy about me reusing the thread title "Some more from the weekend", thus the nearly unreadable thread title was born.. lol

It wasn't even just you, there was like 3-4 threads from various members using the same and my brain can only brain so much.
Can't wait for a Few more from the wee ...... well, from, you know ... :)
#1 one is a killer shot! VERY nice!

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