28 August

Incredibly moving and heartbreaking photos and story. To me, this is what photography is all about. It is the documenting of the every day events in our lives, that become special events as time passes by.

Thank you for sharing.

Thank you all for "being" with me today :hugs:

But believe me, I have learned to live with the situation, for I believe he is not all "gone", and I had consolation by my then nearly 2-year-old who today is 18, and by the arrival of my beautiful daughter, who today is 14.
Corinna, I'm so glad you can take a tragedy like that and learn to celebrate the time you had together, rather than dwell on the unfortunate. May the 28th always be as special as it is now.
Well, this is really a special day then. My thoughts are with you and what you wrote reminds me again that such things can happen to more or less all of us one day.

Corinna, my heart goes out to you and your family. The loss of a child is a terrible loss indeed. Your photo tribute to Kristian is so full of love and dignity, it brought a tear to my eye. And I, for one, feel honoured that you shared those precious pictures. It is times like these that reinforce for me the power that photographs hold...each of those shots must bring back for you the special memories of your time with Kristian. :hugs:
Wow...I am very sorry to hear about your son. I am sure he is up there with God. Nobody but you can explain the pain you have gone thru.

We share the same date, August 28th is a special day for me too. It is my 14th Wedding Anniversary and my wife was born on August 28th too. We were both blessed with a son after 10 years of trying. We have a boy named Joshua born on 10/10/2003.
Corinna, that was such a moving tribute. My eyes are still watery after reading and seeing the wonderful photos. How truly blessed he was to have such a wonderful mother in you. :hug::
There's not much I can add to what's been said already. Just to say that the love you had for Kristian comes across in every photo and every word you've put on your blog
Corinna I think of you and Kristian often. These photos of his life are wonderful, as was the series that you posted with his special tree. Thank you for sharing his memory with us :hug:

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