3 Landscape shots up for C&C


TPF Noob!
Feb 5, 2010
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Ok im not sure if its called manual HDR or if its even HDR but heres three images, a bunch of layers and a lot of masking O_O I got my settings wrong while taking this picture so it came out blurry after taking it :(

Im gonna go again sometime this week to get sharper images but i just thought id have a go at the whole masking HDR technique.




Photobucket screwed my colors.
I like the second one, but there is no clear focus point. all three have no clear focus
How can i improve? Adding a clear subject or focus point such as a person or vanishing point sunset?
They all have potential, but need to be in focus..

Yeah, way too blurry. Also, there is some contrast, over-processing issues. 2 looks the best so far I think.
Try a smaller F stop? Like f11 or higher? I dunno. I think the photos are really good.
These were taken in F8 the last time i went too low they came out looking really bad.
I will try F11 and adjust my meter properly.

I think i did F22 last time which mightve been way too low.
I'm new here but I have picked up a few things from playing with my camera. The number 1 thing I here is to use a tripod, especially in low-light settings.

Did you use a tripod? If not, I'd reshoot with the camera mounted.

The experts here can give you better advice.
Yep used a tripod i learned the hard way that you cant do long exposure handheld lol :)
Yea f22 would be two low of an f stop. I think anywhere from f10-16 should work that's my opinion lol. I think they are a little over processed but not much. Looks like a great place to shot. Can't wait to see the retakes
What sort of post processing have you done? just curious. I like number 2 btw.:thumbup:
Thanks guys and ill be sure to keep that in mind.

What sort of post processing have you done? just curious. I like number 2 btw.:thumbup:

A lot of masking and some curves. Its a combination of 3 images with different exposures.
Your "HDR effect" or whatever you want to call it causing some halos in the photo, try toning down the curves a bit there (check the rocks along the water line).

They could be pretty good shots, just need to tweak your settings a bit. Try bumping your ISO a little to shorten your exposure, it looks like you have some cloud movement in a few of them. I like the 3rd one the best, though I almost feel like the rocks at the bottom are distracting, I'd like to see that shot with either much less or them, or cut them out entirely.

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