32" 2K or 28" 4K Monitor...?


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Jul 27, 2015
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Vermont, USA
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Title says it all...got two great prices on monitors, just can't decide between the 32" with 2K or 28" with 4K resolutions...advice?
Since I am now editing on a 27" 5K monitor I can attest that there is nothing like it for such purposes. The difference between 3.68MP and 14.7MP is astounding.
Since I am now editing on a 27" 5K monitor I can attest that there is nothing like it for such purposes. The difference between 3.68MP and 14.7MP is astounding.

Yes, but I don't have $1000 in the budget got a monitor...
That's why I suggested you save for it unless your current monitor is dead. I am viewing at almost a 1 to 1 pixel level.
My current monitor is CRAP...it was a spare from my office (day job). Maybe 19" and can only get 80% of sRGB...so I needed a better monitor for prints

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