4 year olds


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2007
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Knoxville, TN
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I am doing some portraits for a little girl that is turning four. Any ideas for poses, props? These will be outdoors.
She will pose easily for you as you ask her to. But I would rather let her play and you trail her. Every now and then you ask her to look at you. But when she does turn to look at you don't take too long to snap. Than let her continue the run around, then do it again at interval. Don't make the posing as cumbersome act. The children love to play and they always want to play...I have only one photo of my daughter when she was 4 yo, and she pose as I told her but she was distracted by the surrounding. It was at the easter show.
My 4yo boy is really into the lame cheesy smile right now - he's impossible to pose. If I want him looking a certain way, I point out something and tell him to look at it - an airplane in the sky - that sort of thing, rather than tell him to "pose." Girls might be different of course and I've heard many are. I agree with the above, though - they get bored easily and when they are crabby, the game is over. I'd also have some stickers or something small as a reward for cooperating. 4yos love stickers!
Thanks for your input. I have taken several pics of boys but this is the first session with a girl. I figured it would be quite the same tagging along behind them. I will post what I get.

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