$50K (US) a Day!!! A FREAKING DAY!!!

Flappy bird gained popularity overnight due to the difficulty of the game. For a simplistic game, it was incredibly difficult to make any progress. It became one of those games people download just to hate on, and thats why the creator is pulling the game. He has recieved an incredible amount of hatemail and even death threats from people who are agitated at the game. How anyone could get so angry at a mobile phone game, to wish the death of the creator, is beyond me. All the games creator wanted was to make games in peace that people could enjoy. But yes, he is getting paid a ridiculous amount of money for what he does.

Well, there are people who will pay to be challenged and those who pay to be made feel good.
Ugh my daughter plays this game and the sound is like fingernails down a chalkboard.

I will not play it because she has already gotten me addicted to two games: Angry Birds and then Candy Crush.

No more!
Ugh my daughter plays this game and the sound is like fingernails down a chalkboard.

I will not play it because she has already gotten me addicted to two games: Angry Birds and then Candy Crush.

No more!
I have other hobbies, such as Photography, that I don't put enough time into as it is. So I rarely play games.
Flappy bird gained popularity overnight due to the difficulty of the game. For a simplistic game, it was incredibly difficult to make any progress. It became one of those games people download just to hate on, and thats why the creator is pulling the game. He has recieved an incredible amount of hatemail and even death threats from people who are agitated at the game. How anyone could get so angry at a mobile phone game, to wish the death of the creator, is beyond me. All the games creator wanted was to make games in peace that people could enjoy. But yes, he is getting paid a ridiculous amount of money for what he does.

Well... that and he stole all the images in the game from Super Mario Brothers.. and its just a matter of time before Nintendo Lawyers show up on his door (if they already haven't :) )
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I have never clicked on an ad in any app or program since getting a computer in 1995!! Who are all of these people clicking on ads?!
I think revenue comes from displaying the ads, not necessarily the click throughs. The more times the ads are displayed (the more people download the game) the more he makes from ads.
There seems to be a rumour going around that the developer of the game, has committed suicide. I've seen plenty of headlines saying so, but none on what I'd call a reputable new source.
There seems to be a rumour going around that the developer of the game, has committed suicide. I've seen plenty of headlines saying so, but none on what I'd call a reputable new source.

Its a fake news story started by the 'humor' website Huzlers.com. There is no truth to the story at all.. and.. IMHO.. it was done in bad taste.

If i was the 'Flappy Bird' guy... I would TOTALLY release 'Flappy Bird 2 - Electric Boogaloo' this week and charge $1.99 for it. It would be the same game, but i'd just change the colors around. BAM! Instant Cayman beach house!
BTW............. I can't get through even the first poles!!!!! My grandson, 12, is up to 8 I think!!!!
Flappy bird gained popularity overnight due to the difficulty of the game. For a simplistic game, it was incredibly difficult to make any progress. It became one of those games people download just to hate on, and thats why the creator is pulling the game. He has recieved an incredible amount of hatemail and even death threats from people who are agitated at the game. How anyone could get so angry at a mobile phone game, to wish the death of the creator, is beyond me. All the games creator wanted was to make games in peace that people could enjoy. But yes, he is getting paid a ridiculous amount of money for what he does.

Well... that and he stole all the images in the game from Super Mario Brothers.. and its just a matter of time before Nintendo Lawyers show up on his door (if they already haven't :) )

A co-worker and I were just talking about this. The second Nintendo finds out about the game (which I am sure they already have), he will loose every penny he made from the game and possibly more. Nintendo does not mess around with this stuff. The creator of the game came out and said he never wanted this success and took the game off of the app store. Why? Because he is trying to prevent Nintendo from suing him.
I highly doubt that Nintendo will sue this guy. They've got way bigger problems at hand now.

Yeah, like designing my next badass Zelda and Metroid games. I swear to Gawd if they screw up these franchises... How those two games play in their next iterations will determine if I buy a Wii U or not. Yeah, I will buy a Wii U specifically for those two games, play and beat them, then never touch it again. They are worth it. Oh man. I absolutely loved the Metroid Prime series, all three of them.
I highly doubt that Nintendo will sue this guy. They've got way bigger problems at hand now.

Looks like Nintendo had nothing to do with the decision. They came out and said they had nothing to do with it.

Yes... Yes i am..

Here is what you need to make 'Flappy Birds'..

1) A book on Objective C.
2) Download the Cocos2d game framework
About | Obj-C based 2D engine for iOS, OSX and Android
3) Find a good tutorial on the BOX2D physics engine (included in Cocos2d)
How To Build a Monkey Jump Game Using Cocos2d 2.X, PhysicsEditor & TexturePacker - Part 1 | Ray Wenderlich
4) Create low quality 8-bit looking graphics.
5) Make a simple game with no levels (just with random pipes).. and make it frustratingly hard to play.
6) Add iAds into the game
Apple - Advertising

BAMM!! Sit back and wait for the checks to start rolling in....

People make stupid frustrating games every day that don't rake in 50k a day.
The critical ingredient is none of those things, it's either:
A) Razor sharp market judgment, or
B) Blind luck.

Both of which should make you feel better, because (A) is skill, and it's not very frustrating to lose to someone based on skill, and (B) means that you would on average have to make so many failed games to get one like this, even if you tried every day, that you'd pretty much be earning your wages just like normal by the time you succeeded... again, on average.

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