A bit of selective colour


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Jun 23, 2009
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New Zealand
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After just spending 7 weeks in a cast with a broken wrist, and 3 metal pins holding one of my bones together I am now finally healed. Here is a shot I took of the metal pins that were removed from my arm a couple of days ago. I selectively desaturated most of the image, leaving the blood stains on the pins :confused: to draw the attention to them... let me know if you think it works in this case.


Also, if you have a strong stomach and don't mind blood, then check out the video of the doctor removing the pins. You've been warned....

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Br00tal video dude.

The photo is nice. This is one of the rare occurrences where selective coloring works for me. Kudos. ;)
Yeah I think it works here too. And no, I'm not watching that.
That's crazy. How did you break it?

I agree - normally I hate selective color, but I think it works here.
I broke it skiing, hit a jump and made a mess of the landing.

This is what it looked like before the surgery:


Also note the dislocated bone in my hand....
Hahaha gross! I broke my wrist snowboarding but didn't need pins. Just two surgeries for a tfcc tear because my first surgeon was an idiot.
haha, nice video, i wish i would have thought about that when i had 60+ staples removed from my back...
The selective colouring definitely works here; but I'm not sure it was completely necessary! :p It doesn't seem like there is very much colour to begin with!

@ Jaxx: I also broke my wrist snowboarding! Not fun! No pins (or surgery) for me though :) Thankfully! YUCK!

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