A bunch of recent babies/kids


TPF Noob!
Aug 23, 2009
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Denver, CO
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I've had several sessions recently and thought I'd share a few =)








i like these shots. The first shot was kinda funny, i was trying to figure out why you put him in cereal. but i think i got it in the end.

Good shots i love these. I love #2
Of these I like #6 & 8 the best. 6 I like because I think that is a cute and natural expression and 8 I just like the shot.

There all good.

Edited to add that I love the smile & Eyes in #2...add that to the other two that I liked the best.
I love all of them but 7 is bugging me, just purely because of the black, if it were me id crop it slightly tighter to see less black on the left.

Im looking forward to seeing more work!
Farrah your so creative. I wish you lived closer because id hire you in a heart beat!lol
When you first posted the angel picture in another thread there was talk about the red background and I love it. What did you use for the first red background.
Nice, simple, and clean work, with a lovely and natural color palette; not the jarring, in-your-face! oversaturation and heavy action-action-action look that is so common in today's baby and family photography market. I really appreciate the subtle nature of your photography and its presentation. Lean on gimmicks, long on lighting, these photos will not easily be type-cast and slotted into a trendy and very specific decade as the years go by.
Love your ideas! After searching the web for others like you, there aren't many! You really have a good eye for what will work with kids!

I LOVE the Cheerios shot! I have a similar shot from a couple months back with Lucky Charms!
Yeah...couldn't resist...I also got the coral, which I thought would be too dark and too PINK...but it turns out that I really like it! =)
These are consistently good, but the Cheerios shot takes the cake. Awesome, made me laugh.

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