A couple pictures from my new A7ii :)


TPF Noob!
Aug 23, 2014
Reaction score
Forest Grove,Oregon
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I picked up a Sony A7ii a few weeks ago and have had a phenomenal time learning all of the ins and outs of it. A very big jump from my Canon AE-1 haha.

C&C always welcome. Trying to get better with overall exposure and composition.

Ok, I will critique these pics a little.The first one it's blured, the farest side of the cat face it's blured and it's not looking well ( next time try to get the cat face not blurred), the background in the 1st pic it's good.
The second one it's a little bit darker, the left side of the cat it's so dark that I can't see the colors.You can adjust it in Photoshop by adding some levels, or you can play with the brightness or you can add some curves.Oh yea I almost forgot try to get the entire head of the cat ( with ears too).
And the 3rd one it's good, I love how you focused on the boy's head, the photo is clean, the blur is where it should be.
So next time try to be carreful at those details.
I'm assuming you used a large aperture setting in # 1, for a thin DOF

btw, where you do put the film in a A7ii ?
Ok, I will critique these pics a little.The first one it's blured, the farest side of the cat face it's blured and it's not looking well ( next time try to get the cat face not blurred), the background in the 1st pic it's good.
The second one it's a little bit darker, the left side of the cat it's so dark that I can't see the colors.You can adjust it in Photoshop by adding some levels, or you can play with the brightness or you can add some curves.Oh yea I almost forgot try to get the entire head of the cat ( with ears too).
And the 3rd one it's good, I love how you focused on the boy's head, the photo is clean, the blur is where it should be.
So next time try to be carreful at those details.

Thanks for the input. I will continue to focus on these, I did think that the ears were not entirely needed in the second photo, but ears would have probably helped. That dang cat is just to jumpy when ever the camera comes out.

I'm assuming you used a large aperture setting in # 1, for a thin DOF

btw, where you do put the film in a A7ii ?

Correct, I have a 50mm 1.4 from my Ae-1 that is a lot of fun to use. but very challenging in some situations.

I keep wrapping the A7ii with film, and it doesn't seem to wind inside of it. .. Weird. I still keep the film camera in my bag for some black and white goodness.

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