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A Few From Our Trip to Maine


TPF Noob!
Dec 13, 2010
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Fayetteville, NC
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
My wife, brother and I went to Maine this past summer to visit my other brother. While up there we visited a couple different places. CC would be nice...any editing tips to help make these look nicer. thanks

1. This is from a coastal town called Belfast

2. One of my brothers in Belfast

3. My wife and I at a place called, Thundering Hole...lol

4.My wife standing on a rock towards the top of Cadillac Mountain
They all look like travel snapshots to me, and that's okay. None of these just say "Hang this on picture on my wall".

Just a comment about the last image. It's too centered. Look were your wife is looking at. I would have moved your wife (in camera of course) to the bottom right corner. This way she is looking at the image. Make sense?
What kind of camera are you shooting with?

1) Probably a bit too much sky, and the horizon is right down the center of the photo which is generally not pleasing to the eye. It would have looked better at about 1/3 from the top of the frame. It's also hard to tell what you were taking a picture of; if it was the boat in the foreground, you cut it off, if it was the boats on the water, I think they're slightly out of focus. As far as post-processing, contrast and saturation can go a long way on shots like this.

2) Better composition, but the background makes it look snapshot-y. You have a lot of depth of field here, and assuming you're using a DSLR, a smaller aperture and faster shutter speed would have blurred some of that background to make your brother stand out more, but it's still too busy to look like much more than a snapshot. If you're using a point-and-shoot there's probably not much you can do about that, because their small sensors tend to keep the DOF pretty long.

3) I like this one. Contrast and/or curves would make it "pop" more, and it looks little on the cool side with regard to white balance.

4) Ehhh, not sure about this one. Maybe a tighter crop to get rid of the road, so it's just her on the rock looking out over the valley. As it is, there's just too much empty space at the top.

Keep shooting!
Shooting with a Sony a330 with a 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6....
Thanks for the input. I see what both of you are saying about the 4th one.

Whenever we go up again this summer I'll keep some of these things in mind Orion!
As far as editing:

#1: Agree with OrionsByte
#2: Clone out the Carolina hat - it ruins the picture for me... :lol: All jokes aside, it looks like he's squinting so maybe next time, keep that in mind and since the background is not that interesting (to me, IMO), you could crop it a lot closer to be just the picture of him.
#3: I like this one!
#4: I agree with OrionsByte but you could try cropping some different ways in PP to see if you can confine the view a bit...
haha i see you're in NC as well, i'm assuming you're a Duke fan?

In 2, I understand about the crop, probably would have been better to put him on the right side of the frame since the water and pier would've been to the left and that could of been more interesting.

And I see what you're saying about 4. The road takes away from the secluded mountain scene I was aiming for and I need to crop out some of the sky.
haha i see you're in NC as well, i'm assuming you're a Duke fan?

In 2, I understand about the crop, probably would have been better to put him on the right side of the frame since the water and pier would've been to the left and that could of been more interesting.

And I see what you're saying about 4. The road takes away from the secluded mountain scene I was aiming for and I need to crop out some of the sky.

I love some Blue Devils! I am an anything but Carolina fan! ;) There is only one Carolina and that is East Carolina! LOL

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