A few photos from a newbie


TPF Noob!
Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
I've been (attempting) to take photos for a couple of months now, but I just now found this forum (which is great, btw <g>). These are my best so far....just wanted to see what you guys think of them.


It bugs me that the end of the petal is in focus instead of the center of the flower, but I was just testing the macro function on my camera and wasn't even really trying for anything. I think it turned out decent, but it was just by pure luck.




The last two are my favorites....the one of the girl and guy is a candid....the light was *really* low, and it was just pure luck that it turned out. The bridge is an old railroad bridge here in Little Rock that I thought was a good subject.

Please just let me know what you guys think. I appreciate any comments/critiques/etc.
Welcome to the site.

It's preferred that you only post one photo at a time in the critique forum. You can't (and won't) really get any good criticism with more than one photo.

Feel free to put multiple photo posts in the gallery forum or the theme forum.

Ah, sorry about that. Guess I should've read the rules first. :oops:

Thanks for moving the post for me.
Last one's my favorite. Second to last one is good too, though I think it'd be better if that cup wasn't there.
The second one is my fave but then, I have this thing about documenting nature triumphing over man. (Not an environmental nut or anything - just think its a very interresting topic)
LizM, I've always been interested in the nature vs. man theme as well. Saying that, the second is also my favorite of the four. Syldorian, just wondering if you realize why only part of the flower was in focus while in macro mode. (You said newbie, so just checking.)
Thanks for the replies, everyone. :D

Nagala, yup, I realize why. I should've done a manual focus, or at least closed the aperture so I'd have more DOF. It was in the shade if I remember correctly, though, so hand-holding it with any higher of an f-stop wasn't much of an option. But I'll know better next time. :D

Again, thanks to everyone for looking at these. It's nice to get feedback.

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