A Load of Bokeh

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taken with my rollei with a x2 rollinar close-up filter. contrast was tweekd in PS cuz my scanner sucks scanning MF film.
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Main Entry: bokeh
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a Japanese term for the subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of a photographic image
Example: The bokeh, or quality of the blurred image in the photograph, was described and discussed.

Hope that helps. :)
deb said:
How did shallow depth of field become bokeh?

"A term derived from the Japanese word for "fool" which when applied to a lens refers to the pleasing quality of the out of focus areas of an image produced by the lens. Thought to be related to factors like the shape of the aperture opening and spherical aberration."

Wikipedia said:
In photography, Bokeh is a Japanese word - the transliteration of a Japanese word for "blur" - describing the subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image projected by a camera lens. For example, in some images the background may be deliberately caused to be out-of-focus to reduce distractions and to emphasize the primary subject.
Being old and resistant to change, I hope you all forgive me if I continue using the term "shallow depth of field". ;)
So, let me see if I've got this right: bokeh is when the out of focus area's of an image with a shallow depth of field are pleasing to the eye, rather than just any picture with a shallow depth of field?
Bokeh is basically just extremely short depth of field, which yes, that would make the background and maybe teh foreground out of focus. But I think it goes for ANY shallow depth of field shot. Weather a particular shot is pleasing to the eye or not is only someone's opinion. :)
Here's one I think is more 'bokeh' and less 'DoF'. I like how the lines above the kitty make it look like it's a motion blur, even though it obviously isn't.

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