a not so itsy bitsy spider


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 3, 2010
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Nice shot. Too bad about the white background, as you lose the web in it. If you can still get to it, can you try a different angles (probably not)? Are these things dangerous and roughly how big are they. What part of Florida? The reason I ask is that I come to Florida once a year (Feb/March usually) to photograph birds in the many wildlife areas on the east and west coasts, and I just want to know if I should be watching out for these guys.

Nice shot. Too bad about the white background, as you lose the web in it. If you can still get to it, can you try a different angles (probably not)? Are these things dangerous and roughly how big are they. What part of Florida? The reason I ask is that I come to Florida once a year (Feb/March usually) to photograph birds in the many wildlife areas on the east and west coasts, and I just want to know if I should be watching out for these guys.


I found him in central/south Florida. I have no idea what he is or anything about him. That's the only shot I took of him while I was visiting in Florida. We no longer live in Florida (military) so I guess I should update my profile. lol I didn't have any other angle choices on him as he was up high under a picnic area awning thing at a little lake we stopped at on our drive.
I found him in central/south Florida. I have no idea what he is or anything about him. That's the only shot I took of him while I was visiting in Florida. We no longer live in Florida (military) so I guess I should update my profile. lol I didn't have any other angle choices on him as he was up high under a picnic area awning thing at a little lake we stopped at on our drive.

Thanks. I guess I will keep my eyes open if I stop at any picnic sites on my visits for bird photogrpahy.


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