A Profound Photograph, an emotionally charged experience


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Sep 17, 2019
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Springfield, Illinois
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Today I took the most profound picture that I have ever taken in my life. It's not about the aperture, ISO, and shutter speed this time. Today I took 67 street photography pictures in the rain. When I got home and downloaded the pictures I discovered my friend Mark in a homeless picture. He is leaning against the wooden door of an old church. He didn't know that I took his picture. I was using a Nikon 200-500 mm lens from across the street. Most will see a picture of a homeless man with a drinking problem. But I know this man's background and he is going through a lot. His profound blue eyes tell a story that only Jesus Christ can understand. Tomorrow I will look for Mark and offer him a word of encouragement.
Tragic. I feel for him. His look says it all.
I hope things eventually improve for him. I have a friend who is homeless who I haven't seen in several years. It's difficult, but the best thing you can do is let them know you're there to listen if needed.
Move us I think because we can see ourselves in their place
I have taken photos of a homeless person I asked first and said thanks with hot food and drink
As op says it’s easy to judge when you do t know their story
I didn't get the reaction others did. I didn't read the story until after I noticed all the comments. I tend to not read anything until after I viewed it, I want the image to say it. Unfortunate story. My initial thought of the image is that it looked like a cinematic scene cut from a movie. The man looking into the lens is wondering who is taking his picture and appears curious. I also was thinking that this is a good example that sharpness is not always critical in imagery.

I didn't sense any sadness until I read the story above the image.
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There but for the grace of God, go I. It's a troubling thought that we try not to think about, but we're all just a step away from being like this man or the countless others out there. The loss of a job, medical issues, overwhelming personal tragedies, or addictions can put you in this position in a matter of days. Having dealt with a family member in this position for many years I don't see sadness, I see the look of hopelessness. Sadness of loss for your previous life evaporates quickly on the street with the realization that tomorrow, and the next day will be the same for you.

If you want to help your friend, give him a hand, not a handout. No matter how hard you might want to help him, you have to understand that he has to help himself. Be there to support him when he's ready. It's all you can do.

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