A & S Married , A lot of pics

Hi Schwettylens!

I really like the photos overall. You had asked for CC, so I'm going to give you some nitpics, and general comments, and of course these are only my opinion. But the restate, I think the quality is very good overall.

I like the groom's tension and emotion in the photo. However, I would either crop a bit tighter to exclude the frames on both ends, or patch them out. The one on the left is the biggest offender. My eye keeps going straight for it.

Very nice light and happy emotion. Great use of window light.

Nice, but IMO could use a contrast boost as I feel it is a tad bit flat.

Not at all crazy about this one. I think it would have been stronger in Portrait orientation.

Money shot. Wonderful. Nice abient lighting. Strong portrait.

I'm not sure what this photo is about. I know he's showing the time, and his cufflinks, but it doesn't seem interactive to the viewer. To me, it's like, "Hey, look at my new watch". Does that make sense?

I really love this one, but would suggest cropping out the highlight on the left side. Again, it keeps pulling my eye.


Lovely. Tighter Crop?

This looks flat to me. Contrast boost maybe?

Needs tighter crop to exclude awkward from on left. Could also be patched out.


Tighter crop to exclude edge of pew on left. Otherwise money.

Super tight crop on this one might be magic. I'd get rid of the bridesmaid on the left and keep the cross.


Great photo, but seems blah color wise. Needs a big POP of something, imo.

I wish his face was lower, but still a nice and very pretty shot.

Cute, but think cropping the right hand of photo in a tighter crop would be more powerful.


The hand growing out of their chins kills this otherwise fantastic shot for me.

These seem very flat to might. Might be lovely with a contrast boost, or black and white, vintage, or sepia application.

Love this one. I would patc out the wall plugs and weird white box on the right hand side of the photo.

Glory. Beautiful well balanced shot.

Very nice. They look super happy.
Very nice. I especially like 20 and 23. Thanks for sharing. :)
You have received a lot of feedback and suggestions. Good photos for certain, but I'd like to add a tiny little nit-pick if I may. Next time you are photographing a male in formal attire try and find a diplomatic way to suggest he remove his big ass sport watch, to my eye it looks out of place and just a bit tacky.
Nice work! Looks like a fun couple.... :)
Lovely photos, the couple looks a little bit uptight.
Some really nice shots there, some unusual ones too, I like.
I love #14 and #23 - both perfect (except for the silly bint standing in the way on #14!)

I'm still struggling a bit with B&W. If I increase the contrast, the black is too black and you can't see the details.

Why not select the black parts you're worried about (pen tool, quick select or magic wand), place them on another layer and adjust the contrast on the reminder?
Thanks for the detailed comments Cindy. I agree with 90% what you said.

Forkie, I will try that next time but I will try to keep it only on LR3.
No problem. :) I really enjoyed the series.

And I LOVE your new siggy. Hysterical!
Lovely! I like it a lot!

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