AaaaaaaaHHHH!!!! FN software!


TPF Noob!
Jun 9, 2009
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I downloaded a trial version of Photoshops elements. The cheep one. After randomly clicking on everything and restarting over and over again. And getting no where SLOWLY. I decided to either go brown bag a 40 of Mickeys fine malt liquor or just take a break from the madness.

Here where Im stumped.

I want to make this


or this


well theres a image of a babys feet that Im trying to replicate, but its in my laptop and not my normal computer. How ever this is what Im kind of trying to do but with its feet and not the whole baby pedestal thing.


What tool do you use to cut out images? Or to crop the image or to categorize it. Meaning if I wanted to blur or distant the background so the hands are in focus but the rest of the background just kind of is out there in space. What tools do I use to crop the hands? With out making a sq crop.

Heres another way of wording it? When you take a photo of a bride and you want everything in BNW but her flowers.Im assuming (ass you n meing) <--HEHEE Im assuming you make the entire image bnw then you drag a tool over the flowers to what??? categorize the flowers as your some what pin pointed work zone and then return only them to color.

Ive cut out images with other software for fun, you know putting my friends heads on a naked midgets and what not. But theres got to be a easier way, a color coded way of cutting out, croppng or categorizing a portion of the photo.

Any help?

I kind of got what I wanted with out using the software to do anything but make it BNW. I still need to figure out the tool doohickey!
Are you using layers?

The best way to do selective editing (editing some parts but not others) is to use layers. Create a duplicate layer and make your changes to that new layer. Then add a layer mask to hide the parts that you want to show through from the original layer below. I think Elements supports layers masks, if not, you can just erase the parts of the top layer that you don't want...but you just have to more careful about it.

As for selecting the parts that you want...there are many different methods. Do a Google search for Elements + Extraction or selecting/selection. There should be lots of tutorials.

Also, to get the results that you are helps to get the shot closer from the start...which involves careful lighting. The Baby shot is easy because the backdrop can be well behind the baby, where you can prevent light from hitting hit. That's the key, not only putting light where you want it, but also preventing it from hitting things you don't want to light (things that you want to show up as black). Remember, light falls of at an inverse square to the the farther away something is (from the light source), the less light it will get.

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