Abandoned Barn

Majeed Badizadegan

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Jul 14, 2011
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I love Old Barns! I think this is cool, looks almost a little spooky with the trees and sky.
love the trees.. wish I could see more barn. Looks like that hill makes it difficult, though.
not a big fan of the comp, half the barn is missing.
not a big fan of the comp, half the barn is missing.

Not trying to be rude, but once again, this is another case of "it's in the eye of the beholder." I think this is a cool shot and I personally think the hill adds some mystery, the trees look a bit spooky. To each his own.
Nice! Zombies barns are always fun to shoot
I like it. Maybe a bit wider angle, so more of the branches were included would improve it?

A higher angle would help us get a better view of the barn, but then we wouldn't have the trees silhouetted against the cloudy sky, so I think you made a good call there.

Nice shot.
not a big fan of the comp, half the barn is missing.

Not trying to be rude, but once again, this is another case of "it's in the eye of the beholder." I think this is a cool shot and I personally think the hill adds some mystery, the trees look a bit spooky. To each his own.

and this beholder thinks there should be more barn and less of that uninteresting foreground :lol:
Thanks for the comments guys.

It was not possible to achieve this specific composition with more of the barn since I was shooting uphill.

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