Abused girl in a park

Not a fan of the click bait style title.
Not a fan of the click bait style title.

That's already been discussed and looks like a language thing. I'm pretty sure the OP is in Russia.

Edit: and this thread title kind of references another thread about this girl that came previously.
It doesn't need to be a paid assistant. Get a second person interested in modeling. Tell them the "price" for each of them modeling for you is, when it isn't their turn to pose they'll be holding the reflector and carrying gear. Then have the models trade off. One poses, the other assists. You'd be surprised how many people will be willing to do this.
Maybe I should try this. Thanks for your suggestion.
Some additional photos, that I originally deleted.







Some equally good, or better, shots!
quick edit for TPF-25.JPG quick edit for TPF-26.JPG quick edit for TPF-28.JPG quick edit for TPF-29.JPG quick edit for TPF-30.JPG quick edit for TPF-31.JPG

Quick edits in Lightroom, adding digital fill, to compensate for the shadowing, and increasing exposure and brightness, adding a bit of highlight recovery, going for a very "light and airy" feeling, commensurate with springtime. Slight saturation increase on most.
Quick edits in Lightroom, adding digital fill, to compensate for the shadowing, and increasing exposure and brightness, adding a bit of highlight recovery, going for a very "light and airy" feeling, commensurate with springtime. Slight saturation increase on most.
Hello Derrel!

Thanks for your variants. I noticed that my Fuji on X-trans sensor underexposes pictures in most cases. Maybe to save bright areas.
Quick edits in Lightroom, adding digital fill, to compensate for the shadowing, and increasing exposure and brightness, adding a bit of highlight recovery, going for a very "light and airy" feeling, commensurate with springtime. Slight saturation increase on most.
Hello Derrel!

Thanks for your variants. I noticed that my Fuji on X-trans sensor underexposes pictures in most cases. Maybe to save bright areas.

Do you use Lightroom? If you shoot in Raw lightroom can really help, especially with lighting.

I don't do Instagram but please pass on my compliments to the young lady. She has a good face, hair and figure, she looks confident and holds poses well.
Do you use Lightroom? If you shoot in Raw lightroom can really help, especially with lighting.

I don't do Instagram but please pass on my compliments to the young lady. She has a good face, hair and figure, she looks confident and holds poses well.

Yes, I use Lightroom CC and Photoshop.

I will send her you words, thank you.
Try using the adjustment brush in LR (it looks like a magnifying glass on it's side) to paint more light (etc) onto your model's face where you should have used fill flash or a reflector. I find it works quite well with experience and a bit of trial and error to make up for my deficiencies in preparedness. I don't usually carry a reflector with me and my assistant is also my main model (and wife) so I snatch what shots I can and fix them in LR, Photoshop and Portrait Pro. :)
These are my favorites of the second bunch and I agree with Derrel about lightening them up. I edited three of them in Camera Raw and they look pretty much the same as Derrel's edits lol. I agree that she is excellent at holding the poses.


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Try using the adjustment brush in LR (it looks like a magnifying glass on it's side) to paint more light (etc) onto your model's face where you should have used fill flash or a reflector. I find it works quite well with experience and a bit of trial and error to make up for my deficiencies in preparedness. I don't usually carry a reflector with me and my assistant is also my main model (and wife) so I snatch what shots I can and fix them in LR, Photoshop and Portrait Pro. :)
Thank you for advice Granddad. I will try this brush.
Lea take good decision. All the photos are pretty good. I think Lea will be a model if she up to date in instagram. All the best and good wishes for you lea. I wanna thanks to Pomo for such a stylish photo gift to Lea.
Many thanks!
The Lightroom adjustment brush is a super-versatile tool! No only good for lightening shadows, but also useful for burning in (darkening), tooth whitening, iris of the eye improvement, and other stuff.

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