Adorable toddler...Feedback is the color and PP?


TPF Noob!
Aug 5, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
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I just recalibrated my monitor and am looking for feedback on color and PP, specifically, for these shots! This little girl is SO photogenic, I get so excited every time her mom calls to set up a shoot!




too dark, her skin looks old, babes have bright unblemished skin and tones, I've edited one but not uploaded and it looks loads better, do your levels/autocolor, set white and black points up the saturation n bobs yer uncle. H

Thanks for your input. I dunno, I'm still trying to get used to a new monitor but I think that your version is a bit too light for my personal taste...looks too washed out. If I get many people saying that it's much too dark then I may have to do some more adjusting to the monitor, otherwise I'd say it's a matter of personal taste. I'll have to compare on another monitor in the next couple days. Her parents were ecstatic with that photo in particular but, then again, they are not the color experts here but who really is! Thanks again for the input!

Anybody else?

I like both (maybe something in-between, actually), but I think the real question is what color is her skin really? If she is naturally tanned, then the second version won't look right to the parents but if not, then the first might be a bit dark. I do like the innocence of the second one that the lightness projects.

The coloring on 2 and 4 on this monitor looks slightly unnatural...kind of like a B&W where color has been added, but it doesn't look terrible, just slightly off.

Also, her nose it a little red in all the colored ones - I'd tone that down too. And there's a string on the left side of the jacket hood that's hanging and driving me batty - can you edit that out?

Gorgeous child - LOVE those eyelashes!
Stella~ Thanks for the C&C. Her skin tone is pretty close to my images which is probably another reason I think the pp's edit is too light. Her nose is a little red because it was cold out! I am not a master at fixing that yet so any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!:lovey: I understand what you mean about the colors in 2 & 4, but unless the colors are terribly off (like much too much red, which is what I was getting before recalibrating my monitor!) then it is actually what we were going for. How does her skin tone look to you in #2? I am just trying to play around with my pp to give more punch on some images and the colors in these seemed to be conducive to that.

Good eye on the string...I'm off to fix that!

And yes, she is gorgeous! Her eyes/lashes and lips are all to die for, IMO!
How is this for an in between? I also worked on her pink nose a bit!


And here's #2 with no string! ;) (and a less pink nose)

How is this for an in between? I also worked on her pink nose a bit!

I think you're headed in the wrong direction. The overall color was better in your origianl post. Sure... a bit of work on her nose is fine, but don't stray from the original flesh tones. You'll notice even more when you print these.

Thanks, Pete...I think, after looking at all of them, I will stick with the original, minus the pink nose.
Hmmm.... something is a bit off but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Can you post a SOOC shot? Maybe that will help!

She is a cute kiddo!
They are too dark in my opinion and her lips are a tad grey. Other than some color correction, I like the photos.
I hope you don't mind but I went ahead and color corrected it may not be perfect because of any color correcting you did, however, I think it looks better overall.

I prefer the lighter versions as well. Your original is a bit dark for me and does make her skin look blotchy, but nice photos and the color looks good to me mostly- although a bit yellow.
This is my most recent play. What should I have the color settings saved to for the web...AdobeRGB or sRGB? The color looks very different on the web than it does CS2. I think either everyone's monitors are very different (which they are) or everyone's personal opinions are different because man is everyone coming up with some different color casts! :lol: N'Kolor: I don't mind at all that you, or anyone else, plays...that's why I'm here! Your version, however, looks like it has a lot of red on my screen.
AllSmiles: I will post the SOOC later this evening!

Thanks for the input, everyone!

I think the last one is amazing. Great shot. However, her eye sorta creeps me out! haha. Anyway, cute kid, nice shots ;]

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