...maybe one day become a wedding second shooter.
Why on earth would you want to aspire to that?
There is only one way to gain experience - Shoot everything! Learn the fundamentals of photography, lighting, composition. Learn the fine details of your equipment and then shoot your ass off. Learn to edit your files fast and properly as well. Develop a reliable and clean digital work flow, until you've got so much work you can hire someone to do it for you.
Keep tabs on events going on in your area, sports, public appearances etc. Show up and shoot. Use your personal contacts, you'd be surprised what avenues open up that way.
Just shoot. :thumbup: Don't get sucked into the void a lot of new photographers fall into, looking for the perfect opportunities, just get out there and shoot everything.
In saying that, it does help if you can figure what area you want to work in, sports, fashion, PJ, commercial etc. While it's good to shoot everything for a while to feel it all out at some point most photographers usually fall into something they are comfortable with and that suits their shooting style.
And just remember, a lot of the 'working' photographers you're going to meet are paranoid and insecure little creatures that will view you as competition even though you're just starting out.
Most importantly, if you want to be a pro, act like a pro. Treat every client professionally, set your prices, stick to them, deliver quality and on time. Never sell yourself short. If you can produce quality it doesn't matter if you've been shooting 20 years or 20 weeks this business isn't about putting in time, it's about producing images your clients will buy and pay for.