Advice on compact purchase please


TPF Noob!
Dec 17, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Thanks in advance. Sorry if there are threads which cover this, I'm brand new to the forum and having trouble navigating it on the phone.

I'm not an experienced photographer. Mostly just point and shoot family photos etc. -But I'm a professional musician/recording guy who occasionally works in video production, so I've got an artistic eye.

What I'm looking for is something to fill the gap beteeen my DSLR (Nikon D5000) and my iPhone 7. This would predominantly be for shooting candid photos of my kids but possibly also to assist in shooting video footage and stills in the recording studio, live room etc.

I'm looking at the Sony series as well as Panasonic Lumix and that retro looking Fuji with the fixed lens. Regarding the latter - I like the idea of a retro feature set combined with modern technology (that's the kind of recording gear I gravitate to) but I'm wondering if I'll miss the zoom. I tend to think of photos shot with zoom on any small camera as mostly unusable but perhaps that's because I'm thinking of zooming on phones and cheaper cameras. Are modern compacts much better nowadays? And would the Fuji be way over my head or could a beginner/intermediate user learn the manual functions fairly easily?

My priorities are - fast auto focusing and shooting multiple shots (to catch the kids, pets and musicians in action) being able to tether wirelessly to my phone to retrieve photos, etc.
Good low light performance. High quality video.

Sorry for the long post and thank you
heh! Sony RX1R II
if that's out of the budget, a Lumix LX100 or Sony RX100 IV or V would do fine.

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