advice selling your old camera


TPF Noob!
Aug 22, 2013
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New Orleans
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hey everyone!

so i figure new year new camera. i spoiled myself and bought the Pentax K-3, was thinking of selling my K-5. not sure where to start. should i try posting an add on craiglist or maybe try selling it to B and H, or adorama? what do you think?

I think all good ideas and don't forget kijiji and ebay are all good options too.
B&H, Adorama, and KEH will likely offer less than you can get if you sell the camera yourself.
Plus, they know they are providing you a convenient buyer that provides you a quick sell.

You can also use TPF's Buy and Sell forum.
Hey Blue, Noticed you're here in Nola and thought I'd say hey. I've had all good experiences buying off craigslist but haven't sold anything yet. I've always said that if I did i would make sure to meet a buyer at a coffee shop or similar. You don't want a prospective thief finding out where he can find some expensive equipment.
hey everyone!

so i figure new year new camera. i spoiled myself and bought the Pentax K-3, was thinking of selling my K-5. not sure where to start. should i try posting an add on craiglist or maybe try selling it to B and H, or adorama? what do you think?


If you want to sell on craigslist then I still suggest you take a trip to Ebay and see about what they are selling for used, if you price it way above that a lot of people won't even bother to contact you because a lot of folks on craigslist are under the mistaken impression that a camera they paid $1200 for 5-10 years ago should still be worth $1200 today. Believe it or not I've actually seen people asking that much for used D3100/D3200's locally. My personal favorite was the guy that advertised his with "extras", his extras included the battery charger, a spare battery and a cheap tripod that you could get brand new from walmart for $12. But I've found if you set a pretty reasonable price you'll get a lot more offers that way.
Very true, I saw a d40 (not x) with kit lens and 50-200mm for $450 the other day. wouldnt that have cost like $700.00 8 yrs ago?
All smiles here I sold my 500D with the kit lenses and threw in a few things I had purchased that were not usable with my new camera. I did set a start price that I was ok with and lots of good photos to show it was in very good condition the result was that after paying the fees and express postage I had $400 and hubby happy I decluttered. I hope he doesn't find my goodies stored away.
Between ebay and Paypal, (and not counting shipping which I paid) they will suck about 15% out of your pocket for the 'privilege' of getting world-wide exposure on your camera. Needless to say, when I sold my 24-70 a couple years ago, the 'big bite' from ebay put my checking account into overdraft status and I got socked for $35!! Never mind I had set up ebay fees to go through Paypal and Paypal set to go to the credit card if NSF at the bank. THANK YOU EBAY!

While I don't mind paying them for smaller items, perhaps $200 or less sale price, the big hit I got when the lens went for $1450 was a complete surprise!

So, any future big ticket sales of mine will be through the TPF buy & sell forum, or B&H or Adorama.
I sold 2 cameras in the past (and few lenses) at local craigslist in the past. Pay attention on the ebay recent complete listing price and go from there. It won't hurt to list there. If you got a sale, good, if not you can go with other seller such as ebay or post it in the forum.

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