Again, SOOO excited!!!


TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Just found out I can get CS5 Extended for $187 because of student discount. I plan on ordering tonight after I okay it with the hubby. Puts me about $250 over budget, but SO worth it with that discount, right? :hugs:
IMO, having PS is always worth it, tho some will disagree 'cause it's not free.;) Make sure you budget some money for a good book, like Scott Kelby's CS5 book.
Well, I've been working with CS5, but it's just a trial version... and then another trial version.... and then some with CS3 that my ex husband got over seas... Until I found out it was illegal. So I know a lil about it, I'm sure I have a LOT to learn though!
CS5 is great, If your budget allows(or you know of other ways to get them), check out Adobe Lightroom 3 too, amazing for photo organizing/editing/publishing.
I may get flamed for this but you could have gotten it free.
I bought it also since I can get the student discount also.
CS5 is great, If your budget allows(or you know of other ways to get them), check out Adobe Lightroom 3 too, amazing for photo organizing/editing/publishing.

I disagree. LR is great at its orginazational components, which is what it was designed for, but its editing capability is fractional compared to PS, which is what it was designed for.
Well, I'd rather pay for it and do stuff the legal way. I could have gotten it for 5$ from my ex who works over seas, but I am one of those "good" people who don't really feel all that great about stuff like that. ;)
CS5 is great, If your budget allows(or you know of other ways to get them), check out Adobe Lightroom 3 too, amazing for photo organizing/editing/publishing.

I disagree. LR is great at its orginazational components, which is what it was designed for, but its editing capability is fractional compared to PS, which is what it was designed for.
Well, obviously. But for most edits, LR is plenty powerful. Most should be able to do 95% of editing in LR.

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