Allie sporting her Plex-boggin for CC....


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 8, 2010
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
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Good light. Pulled the D700 out for some shots...

DSC_8014ww by Matt Francosky, on Flickr

w/ 80-200mm 2.8 AF-D, this was taken at the softer, 200mm end of this lens... I think it still works just fine for print.

Guess I'll print it.
Nicely captured, but I'm not fond of the landscape orientation. Have you tried a portrait crop?
Not bad for a beginner :lol:

Looks great to me - I'd print it. Perhaps someone can offer something more.
I like it!! Is there any way that you could get the shadow lightened on her left eye?
I like it!! Is there any way that you could get the shadow lightened on her left eye?

I tried, but it keeps coming out looking like a bruise. I hate editing anything that close to the eyes, you cannot hide anything in that area.

The crop is pretty much SOOC, I leveled it a little but that is it.


I like it, I think this is well suited for a 5:4 crop print such as an 8x10, you should be able to fit it/include a good portion of the nice background, although you may end up cutting a little off the bottom. Very nice....

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