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Amateur post-processor: Toronto, Canada.


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Denton, Texas.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
*I am responsible for both the image and the post-processing*

19yr old photographer from Dallas, Texas.
Amateur post-processor [but won't give up!]

Critiques, welcome.

I like it

i dont know if the change in light to dark as you move across the sky is a good idea, maybe just have the leaf itself and not the outline of the white background?
Heyyy, nice shot of our waterfront!! Looks nice and sunny there. Unlike today.
I dont really like the stars in the sky that are in the middle.
Its a really good picture IMO of what your going for, but you need to darken that dome in the middle section.
you need to darken that dome in the middle section.

Tell me about it! I can't figure out how and I tried so many different things to do it, too. Maybe I'm just photoshop retarded. I tried the burn tool and adding layers and a black brush and a few other things.. I can't figure out how to do it. Burn tool just made it look..brown, and the paintbrush/layer business didn't work out because I didn't really know what I was doing.
Try selecting the dome, feather, and use curves.
Love the picture, hate the ho-hum border. I'd prefer a clean cut border, or maybe a dropshadow, but not a scratchy look, that'd be more for skateboarding, graffiti, or tatto shots, this is a country representation, I'd make it look semi-professional, not ripped out of a brochure.
Can you change the flag colour to blue or black before doing the overlay or whatever you did so the red doesn't bleed into the highlights at the top of the buildings?

Otherwise, great job!

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