Amazing Hasselblad H4D-40 Camera and Lenses for Sale

Profoto Man

TPF Noob!
Mar 2, 2015
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Absolutely love this camera, best camera in the world. And most reliable. Some lenses I have never used. Beautiful amazing photos from this amazing camera. Reason for selling, being sponsored by another brand. Contact if interested. Asking $21,500 for everything. Very firm on the price. This is an extremely good deal. If you wanted to buy everything brand new it would cost over 12k more. I have included some behind the scene videos of this camera in action. And some behind the scene photos with the camera as well. This camera was my back-up so I did not use this one very much. Serious inquires ONLY!!! Cash ONLY!!! You can reach me here or through my website.
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HasselbladH4D-40 Medium Format DSLR Camera
Hasselblad HC Macro f/4 120mm II Lens
Hasselblad Telephoto 210mm f/4 HC Auto Focus Lens for H Cameras
Hasselblad Telephoto 150mm f/3.2 HC Autofocus Lens for H Cameras
Hasselblad 35-90mm f/4-5.6 HCD Aspherical Zoom Lens
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