

TPF Supporters
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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
Can others edit my Photos
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Projected images I take it? The bikes, I'd associate with Amsterdam.
Cool pic, looks like ghostly images painted on the walls.
Thanks. The images are part of an outdoor art exhibition they had going on while we were there in 2019.

Projected images I take it? The bikes, I'd associate with Amsterdam.
Yep, projected images. The bike is certainly king in Amsterdam.
A great image. The motion of the bicycles is fantastic with the backdrop. Splitting the two projections on either end of the frame creates a little tension that I’m not sure how to reason out, but I think this is a great BW image. A far cry from some of your gorgeous sunset photos
A great image. The motion of the bicycles is fantastic with the backdrop. Splitting the two projections on either end of the frame creates a little tension that I’m not sure how to reason out, but I think this is a great BW image. A far cry from some of your gorgeous sunset photos

Thanks very much. Sometimes even I need a change from sunsets lol.

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