Lovely work. My suggestions at edits or tweaks:
1. The wall paper pattern for #1 and #4 is distracting to me. There is just enough showing to make you wonder "does my monitor need cleaning?" I'd clone it all out and make it a blank white backdrop (my 2 cents).
2. I particularly like #4. So easy for that hand to sink down in to the soft bed and she becomes an amputee at the wrist. Lovely model, lovely pose, lovely result. for instance, you see the opposite result in #1.
3. For shot #1, I'd like to see that in color. I love transparent lingerie like a baby doll. But what happens here is that b/c the shadow and dark range is so dark, it adds inches to her. Rather than a filmy hint at what lays behind the cloth, she initially looks heavier. I think color may fix that issue.
4. One other posing hint: for #1, have her bring that left thigh up higher so the knee isn't pointed right at the camera. It will reduce foreshortening, it will make her thigh a little broader and the resulting pose is (IMHO) far more dynamic and beautiful for the vast majority of models.
Lovely work--you're doing some great stuff.