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Another week?


Swiss Army Friend
Jun 21, 2004
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This is how Evelyn reacted to the news that Daddy wouldn't be home for another week:

Awwwww - how can you possibly resist that little darling. :lovey: Get your a$$ back home Aubrey! :whip:
She doesn’t look very happy, you better get home soon
hobbes28 said:
Looks like she has daddy's lungs too. :D :love: My lil poopie. :D

Yes, I am regularly reminded of that at 4am :er:

Hopefully she'll be wearing a big grin for you next week :mrgreen:
awwww.... :love: There's my lil screamer.

She looks so BIG, Alison!!! :shock: How much does she weigh right now?
Lilcujo....feel sorry for the bear. Poor guy had his ear right by her mouth when she was screaming :shock:

Terri - She weighs enough to make my arm get tired :lol: She is probably pushing 15-16lbs at this point. She's huge. I'm not ready for her to start being mobile :(
Alison said:
Lilcujo....feel sorry for the bear. Poor guy had his ear right by her mouth when she was screaming :shock:

Terri - She weighs enough to make my arm get tired :lol: She is probably pushing 15-16lbs at this point. She's huge. I'm not ready for her to start being mobile :(
:hug:: That's when they start wanting to explore everything on their own. :heart: Here's hoping she starts off as a crawler, not a runner! One of my girlfriend's little girls never crawled - not once. The day she figured out how to stand, she was off and running - at 9 months. :shock: It was terrifying! We chased her everywhere. :lol:

And I do feel sorry for the bear. :meh:
awwwwwwww what a cutie!!!
great capture alison :) sweet tones.. and yes i hope shes smiling just now :)
thanks for sharing!

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