A Mrs Huntsman and Edgar Friendly the Currawong...


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 13, 2024
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Australia Victoria
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Really wanted to bring her inside, but i was a good boy and didn't. If they come inside on there own they stay for a couple of weeks to eat the pet Daddy Long Legs then they go back outside, but i dont bring them in.


Thought id try a shot of the night sky while camping, wrong end of the aperture spectrum at f/11 & 30 second exposure was to long🤣. So next time a larger aperture and a shorter exposure, from what I've read... rather be asleep when its night though.
On our last visit to Australia, we saw a few of those spiders.. :eek-73: :eek-73:
Nice images for the first two! I let triangulate comb foot (aka cobweb spider) spiders stay inside, because they hunt black widow and brown recluse spiders which are poisonous.
On our last visit to Australia, we saw a few of those spiders.. :eek-73: :eek-73:
There harmless though they can bite, the feeling when one crawls up your bare arm can only be described as ticklish.

While driving one day, one crawled outta somewhere up onto the windscreen. When we got into the carpark i nabbed her but she fell onto the bitumen and went under the car "doh", moved the car and picked her up again & she proceeded to run up my arm and sit on top of my head🤣.

Walked to the garden area and put her in there, didn't want her to get run over in the busy carpark.

Nice images for the first two! I let triangulate comb foot (aka cobweb spider) spiders stay inside, because they hunt black widow and brown recluse spiders which are poisonous.

Love spiders but theres to many daddy long legs inside atm, been meaning to move a few on into the shed.

To many cobwebs.

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