Anyone dealt with slander from other photographers in your area?


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 3, 2010
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For the record.. I am not the one being attacked but there are others in my area that this is happening to. It is not easy to just sit back and watch. Anyone been there??
I've watched it happen to other photographers.

If it's ever happened to me, I had no idea. :lol:

Just don't get involved with it. That's all you can do.

The people doing the ****talking are usually just insecure about their own abilities and/or jaded by the newer photographers doing well or being bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, when they feel like they aren't.
I've seen it. Not pretty. And there are no winners. Even the innocent bystanders get splattered.
I work for the most well-known and only professional studio in my area. People who I work with will express their distaste towards other local photographers, but mostly because they charge high prices for work that it sub-par, and one photographer who is notorious for having out of focus images.
Well, seeing as how I'm pretty much brand new; not really. I am lucky enough to know some pretty swell people who happen to also be photographers, and don't really associate myself with those who cause drama. Some of the people on here are quite sassy, though :greenpbl:
In all reality the person doing it is just making themselves look bad.. so I guess I should just sit back and watch the train wreck. lol
When I first started my business I wanted to tell my customers what made my work superior to my competitors and there was a great temptation to degrade their quality or business practice. I never did but I can understand the temptation. I'm not sure if I've been the victim of it but I do have a lot of really good yelp reviews now that should combat it if it was to happen.
I got an argument with one photographer. Just because, I don't put a lens cap on my lens.

Hilarious. FRONT lens caps are for paranoid weenies. I quit using them while afield or actively shooting, years ago, except when STORING lenses. When you're out and about, UN-CAP EVERY lens, so it's ready to SHOOT. 30 years ago, I used to cap lenses all the time while out shooting....I've missed more good instant shot or not kinda shot opps and photo opportunities because of using front caps than I care to recall...nowadays, I never cap lenses UNLESS I am at the beach where there's a steady stream of sea-spray being blown in constantly. I have NEVER, not once, chipped, scratched, or damaged a front element with about 50 lenses x 30+ years, but more acquired that last ten years, so 22 x 30, so that's NO damage in "660 lens years", or more.

After you watch the video of the guy POUNDING on that cheap Canon 50/1.8 with a ballpoint pen, then a claw hammer, you realize what a load of malarkey the entire UV "protective filter" is, as well as lens caps.

Slander??? People talk about other people.
I got an argument with one photographer. Just because, I don't put a lens cap on my lens.

Hilarious. FRONT lens caps are for paranoid weenies. I quit using them while afield or actively shooting, years ago, except when STORING lenses. When you're out and about, UN-CAP EVERY lens, so it's ready to SHOOT. 30 years ago, I used to cap lenses all the time while out shooting....I've missed more good instant shot or not kinda shot opps and photo opportunities because of using front caps than I care to recall...nowadays, I never cap lenses UNLESS I am at the beach where there's a steady stream of sea-spray being blown in constantly. I have NEVER, not once, chipped, scratched, or damaged a front element with about 50 lenses x 30+ years, but more acquired that last ten years, so 22 x 30, so that's NO damage in "660 lens years", or more.

After you watch the video of the guy POUNDING on that cheap Canon 50/1.8 with a ballpoint pen, then a claw hammer, you realize what a load of malarkey the entire UV "protective filter" is, as well as lens caps.

Slander??? People talk about other people.

I pretty much never have my lens cap on whatevers on my camera body. I have a lens hood on there 100% of the time though.. I just never take it off. That thing has saved my butt so many times. Oh my gosh so many times. lol I'm a mess.

And I'm not talking about people just talking about other people. I mean people calling out other people BY NAME on their own pages and saying awful things. So unprofessional I can't even begin to explain.
frommrstomommy said:
And I'm not talking about people just talking about other people. I mean people calling out other people BY NAME on their own pages and saying awful things. So unprofessional I can't even begin to explain.

Whoa, whoa, whoa....that's not slander; that's worse; that is libel. Written and published or publicly-disseminated efforts to defame character or reputation of a person are literally, against the law, and are MUCH easier to prove than slander. Slander is spoken, or private written conversations, such as in an e-mail or letter. "Writing" bad things about others and "publishing" such willful malicious statements is libel, and is even more serious.
My husband and I call these kind -- "people with altitude problems"... they are like politicians who complain about someone else because they want to look "taller" than the opposition.

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