Anyone else on


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Western New York
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I just recently started using this site (500px is Photography), and I've gotta say, it's an awesome concept and I really like it. Just wondering, are any of my fellow TPF'ers using it? If so, post a link to your profile on it so I can follow you!

Mine is right here:
500px / Destin Danser
Bump - Anyone?
I like to visit it from time to time. There is some really high end, top quality photography. When I start thinking that I'm doing a good job, I like to visit a few pages there to bring me back to reality.
I like to visit it from time to time. There is some really high end, top quality photography. When I start thinking that I'm doing a good job, I like to visit a few pages there to bring me back to reality.

Yeah, same here. I enjoy being a member there and posting photos just for fun. It's cool to follow your favorite photographers, and some of them are actually willing to hand out advice, or link to BTS videos of how they got the shot.
So what is it exactly?

I keep seeing people on G+ posting about it or posting links from it but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. It looks like... I dunno... Tumblr for grown ups? :lol:
What is the difference between friends and followers on there?

Are friends the ones that are following each other and followers just the ones following you that you're not following back?
Or wait... are friends the people *I'm* following? And Followers the people that are following me?
What is the difference between friends and followers on there?

Are friends the ones that are following each other and followers just the ones following you that you're not following back?

I hadn't even noticed that distinction until you mentioned it. I know I have people listed as "friends" who are *definitely* not following me, so I think the friends designation is just people you've chosen to follow, and "followers" may be, as you said, people following you...not sure whether it matters if you're following them back or not.

There are indeed some incredible photographers on there! I've been on it for a while now, but have posted only a few photos, because most of my photos just don't hold up against the bulk of what's on 500px. Okay, NONE of my photos hold up against it, but I post a few now and then, anway...:lol:

I really got addicted to it when I joined--I could spend HOURS looking at the Upcoming and Fresh sections. Plus, I really became somewhat addicted to getting VOTES, and trying to get my photos "scores" up...It totally fed my "need to be liked" urges, and I really thought I might have to end up in a treatment program. :lmao:
So, I went cold turkey for a while and refused to even visit.

Lately, I've been going back to it and while I still love it, I find I'm less addicted to the need to get votes now. I think it may have something to do with the fact that, through seeing all the other photos there, and through the threads on this site, I've really come to grips with my photographic mediocrity. :lol:

That could still follow me, if you want. ;) 500px / Sharon Monett
My only problem with joining a new photographic network is having to upload photos ALLLLL over again. :lol:

I get to a point where I go, "Maybe I'll just upload new photos from this point out."

I haven't yet decided what I'm doing with 500px... so I have nothing up right now. :lol:
pretty cool site, although can you change your thumbnail sizes? I don't like how they're cropping my pictures.
ronjohn said:
pretty cool site, although can you change your thumbnail sizes? I don't like how they're cropping my pictures.

You go to edit, and then just click and draw a box anywhere or any size on your photo. They have to be square though.

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