Anyone else on

I just signed up!! Looks interesting!
I've recently joined as well. I use my Flickr account to post my good shots, and I use 500px to post what I feel is my strongest work. Still have a lot to learn though.

500px / Robbie Vize
I've recently joined as well. I use my Flickr account to post my good shots, and I use 500px to post what I feel is my strongest work. Still have a lot to learn though.

500px / Robbie Vize

Followed you! As well as everyone else in this thread!
Well, I love 500px! I love to look at all the great photography posted by others and I am continually awed and inspired to improve as I am passionate about photography and the art of the capture. As a newbie, most would think I should not post on 500.px, as it's touted as the "flickr for pro's" but I like to post my pics for myself, and hopefully over time I will see an improvement and one day be a smidgeon as good as any of you! Here I am at 500px / christine nash
I know a lot of people on 500px... Im thinking about switching form flickr once my subscription is up here soon
Oh SHOOT, son!

When you upload your images end up in the "Fresh" tab! That's TERRIFYING! :lmao:
Oh SHOOT, son!

When you upload your images end up in the "Fresh" tab! That's TERRIFYING! :lmao:

Haha that's kinda the point :p

Then if it's good enough people will like it and it'll move to the upcoming tab. If it get's more likes, it'll go to the popular tab. If the editors like it (it's gotta be beyond amazing) it'll get to the editors choice tab :)

The voting system is pretty awesome. Each vote on a photo is worth less than the last. The first one is 27.0. The second one takes it to 42.5, etc. The system is also bias towards newer photos, as your rating on the photo will drop each day it's on the site. This keeps the site fresh, so the same photos aren't on top forever.
What is the difference between friends and followers on there?

Are friends the ones that are following each other and followers just the ones following you that you're not following back?

I hadn't even noticed that distinction until you mentioned it. I know I have people listed as "friends" who are *definitely* not following me, so I think the friends designation is just people you've chosen to follow, and "followers" may be, as you said, people following you...not sure whether it matters if you're following them back or not.

There are indeed some incredible photographers on there! I've been on it for a while now, but have posted only a few photos, because most of my photos just don't hold up against the bulk of what's on 500px. Okay, NONE of my photos hold up against it, but I post a few now and then, anway...:lol:

I really got addicted to it when I joined--I could spend HOURS looking at the Upcoming and Fresh sections. Plus, I really became somewhat addicted to getting VOTES, and trying to get my photos "scores" up...It totally fed my "need to be liked" urges, and I really thought I might have to end up in a treatment program. :lmao:
So, I went cold turkey for a while and refused to even visit.

Lately, I've been going back to it and while I still love it, I find I'm less addicted to the need to get votes now. I think it may have something to do with the fact that, through seeing all the other photos there, and through the threads on this site, I've really come to grips with my photographic mediocrity. :lol:

That could still follow me, if you want. ;) 500px / Sharon Monett

I don't know where "photographic mediocrity" comes into play. You have posted some very impressive work on 500px.
You are followed again.
Glad this floated back up to the top. I recently joined as well. I am a complete newbie so only posted a couple of pics but not sure they are even that great yet - still learning! But - had someone, who I thought had some awesome pictures, comment and like one of mine. I thought that was pretty cool. Haha.

500px / Eric Zeigler / Photos

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