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Mar 20, 2005
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Here are a couple of mine form the adventures of ClarkKent and SpaceNut of an apple and a powdered balloon. Thanks for looking


interesting. i tried doing something creative tonight and sort of failed miserably but still managed to waste about an hour on setup and post processing...
anyway. I like the balloon one because its pretty clear but i dont know if i'd guess thats what it was unless you'd have explained it. The apple one is pretty cool too because you can see all the action wich i really like. It bothers me a little that theres a bit of camera shake... but overal, still very cool and very creative....
Thanks...I really enjoyed making these with SpaceNut at my side. Although I have to say my fav is his lightbulb!

maybe you and spacenut could do one called "computer repair"...heh would luv to see a pic of a computer blowing up.
You two do like your experiments, eh? You develop all these interesting ideas... where is my personal SpaceNut or ClarkKent to help me become a little more creative, I wonder!?!?!?

Anyhow, yes, the Light Bulb photo is good, but so is the orange (SpaceNut pics, both of them, if I remember right), but the apple in the process of bursting is also very interesting to look at.

Aesthetically I best like "Ka-boom" ... the photo of the flour(?)-filled balloon in the process of bursting mid-air. Wow, that one is a nice photo!

Who did all the cleaning? Tell me you did not ask Scooter to clean up after you!?!?!
Well, believe it or not, SpaceNut and I did all the cleaning. And believe me, both of us made a complete mess with all the stuff we used, baby powder, shaving cream, and liquid dishsoap. All in good fun though!
You two do like your experiments, eh? You develop all these interesting ideas... where is my personal SpaceNut or ClarkKent to help me become a little more creative, I wonder!?!?!?

Well The ideas I usually get are spur of the moment, but I am thinking of maybe a watermelon next. Now that would be a Kaaa-Boooooom!!! lol
your not in the business of disappointing. Awesome shots, as were the others you've posted.
Wow, that first shot is so cool!!! It looks like you put a firecracker inside and let it it!!!
Nice captures! Fun working with you on these projects. It's nice to see that your pic of the apple turned out.
that looks SICK
Wow, that first shot is so cool!!! It looks like you put a firecracker inside and let it it!!!

And thats exactly what we did. It was a little firecracker that we lit and then let the bang do the rest with are cameras at the ready.
Clark, if you remember right, we put 3 little firecrackers in that apple to blow it apart. When we put 1 in it, it didn't do anything!

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