Are there any camera shows or swap meets?

Grandpa Ron

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 9, 2018
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In the world of reenactment there are several shows and festivals were you can buy or trade gear. In my amateur radio pursuits there are "hamfests" where new, used and vintage equipment is on sale.

I have search the internet but have not located such activities for camera buffs. With the popularity of photography I assume there must be similar shows.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I know there's one in Omaha once or twice a year. But it's pretty much analog.
Best bet would probably be to get in touch with the larger camera club(s) in your area and ask them. We have one here in Victoria, sponsored by a small, local used gear store which, while interesting, is rarely more than a collection of people trying to pawn off highly over-priced film gear on unsuspecting neophytes.

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