Assistance required on flash photography


TPF Noob!
Feb 4, 2017
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Hello to all forum members. I would greatly appreciate some assistance or advice on how to create coloured ( say blue or red) backgrounds in a 3 - 4 flashlight set up. My current approach is to use 2 - 3 strobes on the main subject and one strobe with a coloured gel aimed at a white background. In isolation, the coloured background is fine but when all stobes are fired the coloured background is washed out and loses any semblance of colour. l have experimented with distances, ratios and power settings on the stobes but always with unsatisfactory results. Thank you in advance for any suggestions or advice.
My guess is all the other lights are not shielded from the background. You'll need to use some sort of blocking device to prevent that. Such as a barn door.
Instead of using a white backdrop, use a gray or darker (charcoal, or black) backdrop, which will give darker coloration. BLACK is a great color onto which to fire a colored gel. On white, a gel fired onto that will at times, create too much kick-back onto the subject, espcially at close distances or in cramped shooting areas.

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