At the beach


TPF Noob!
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
Falmouth, MA
Can others edit my Photos
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#1 is amazing!

fwiw, i dont like the cars in the third image. the truck in the distance down the road is alright, but the wrx in the foreground off the road is a big drawback, imo.
Awsome !! The page loaded and i saw the top of #1 and thought 'hmm this is good' scrolled down and it just got better ! :D:thumbup:
fwiw, i dont like the cars in the third image. the truck in the distance down the road is alright, but the wrx in the foreground off the road is a big drawback, imo.
yea i know what you mean i wasnt really sure about this one.

Very nice. I'm assuming those are all HDR? How many exposures did you use for each?
i used 3 exposures for each.

Awsome !! The page loaded and i saw the top of #1 and thought 'hmm this is good' scrolled down and it just got better ! :D:thumbup:

i really do like how #1 came out tho.

this one im gonna try and come back and do again with a tripod, i really like the looks of the picture but i moved a little bit in the 2nd and 3rd exposure so it didnt come out aligned too great.(you can notice the colors on some edges)
I like the first one the most, but the blowout is distracting and it needs some post processing.

Very good pictures!
nice HDR's
The first image is excellent..But it appears you might have a spot on your lens or on the CCD.. Upper left in sky.. I see no apparent blowout on my monitor..excellent series # 1 is my Favourite.
Yeah there are a few specs of dust actually, well spotted. Small apertures are a devil for perfectionists VS dust specs. :D

The blowout is on the horizon line (above the trees) far right, 200px (ish?) square.
Yeah there are a few specs of dust actually, well spotted. Small apertures are a devil for perfectionists VS dust specs. :D

The blowout is on the horizon line (above the trees) far right, 200px (ish?) square.

i see what you mean now.

The first image is excellent..But it appears you might have a spot on your lens or on the CCD.. Upper left in sky.. I see no apparent blowout on my monitor..excellent series # 1 is my Favourite.
spots are sooo annoying. i wipe it off then i find another a few shots later lol

thanks for the comments!
I have to agree... I really like the first shot, part from the blowout and the dust spots ;) Why not just clone the spots out?

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