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B&W candid portrait


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 3, 2010
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I had posted this is in the SOOC thread but wanted to give it is own thread as well.
Thanks. Yeah, I can agree with that. I can't remember if I had any space behind me to back up for this one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Interesting profile. I like the simplicity. Not many visual elements.
This image is a great candidate for simply enlarging the canvas, and giving him more room to look into. It would be a fairly easy edit to perform. it could also be cropped more tightly at the top, eliminating the 'unicorn' John mentioned, and also cropped a little bit off the bottom and the right hand side, which would direct his line of gaze just about right to the upper left hand corner, and I think that would give a slightly different feel to it, yet would still maintain the integrity of the moment.
Quitr nice, a bit tight on the left but otherwise nice.

This image is a great candidate for simply enlarging the canvas, and giving him more room to look into. It would be a fairly easy edit to perform. it could also be cropped more tightly at the top, eliminating the 'unicorn' John mentioned, and also cropped a little bit off the bottom and the right hand side, which would direct his line of gaze just about right to the upper left hand corner, and I think that would give a slightly different feel to it, yet would still maintain the integrity of the moment.

Do you mean add more canvas in post? This is not cropped, SOOC.
Yeah, I meant adding more canvas in post, to create more space on the left side of the frame. And I was thinking about the idea of cropping it to effective re-position him in relation to the borders of the picture area. With the very dark background, it would be fairly easy I think to turn this into a digital illustration, more so than a true, documentary image.

Here's one crop possibility. Not that it "needs" to be cropped...just sort of kicking around TIrediron's idea about eliminating the white stripe above his head, and also the idea that this is framed tightly: I think by cropping into the top of the head, it makes the tight frame seem more,well, more "expected". But I could be wrong about that.

Jake's son cropped.webp
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I also love the simplicity of this. The simple lines, and stark contrast, and effectively used negative space create a power image that I think is very interestingly softened by the actual subject.

I also find the glasses to be quite interesting.

Here is a very hastily done "reimagination" that follows the logic of Derrel and Tirediron

2015-10-20_09-38-22 copy by John Bixler, on Flickr

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