B&W Feedback


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 23, 2021
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Can others edit my Photos
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My process for converting to B&W is a rather random, hit-and-miss one. So I would like some opinions on whether this shot has any merit. I'm hoping to refine the process and become more methodical. The original image is green and red. Contrast too much or not enough? Tonal range? Any suggestions for improvement would be appreciated. Thanks.

Green Leaf on Red B&W sml 3911.webp
That's a tough one to guide you on. I would suggest you play with the color slider for the leaf. The leaf gets lost in the dark blob in the background. I probably would have went at it at a different angle to seperate it from that blob. That's the challenging part in shooting in color then converting it in post. You almost have to shoot or think in black and white. I shoot a lot of black and white film so I have trained my thought process to visualize black and white. With digital, I shoot my b & w imagery in b & w and always have the option to convert it to color.
Thanks for the input. That dark area behind the leaf wasn't quite so obvious when I set up the shot, but it certainly is a distraction in this image. I do need to pay more attention to my backgrounds. I like the notion of thinking in black and white.
it needs a bit more tonal range. not every photo needs a pure black and a pure white, but imo most do.
it needs a bit more tonal range. not every photo needs a pure black and a pure white, but imo most do.
Thanks. I agree, and that is what I’m finding a little tough to achieve. I’ll go back and play with this some more.
Thanks. I agree, and that is what I’m finding a little tough to achieve. I’ll go back and play with this some more.
not sure what you're using to edit, but the curves tool can help you plot a white and black point, as well as add contrast and definition to your gray tones.
I’m using GIMP. I use the mono mixer tool to switch to black and white. Then I adjust the color sliders. Maybe it would be better to start with curves to adjust contrast and colors. I’ll give it a try. Thanks.

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