Image transfers - on aluminum foil


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Sep 2, 2003
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I can't help it, when I come across a new idea and I have the stuff just sitting in my kitchen..... :winksexy:

I used heavy duty foil out of fear (at the end you have to be able to apply a little pressure to remove all the paper fibers, it doesn't seem prudent to have thin foil under the image.)

My crappy cell phone pictures can't really capture the metallic glow that lays underneath the lighter parts of each image. But it's there. I glued a sheet of heavy duty foil to a canvas board. Then I glued the image, printed on regular office printer/copy paper. No real difference in process than what I described here except I had no acylic underpainting and, when it came time to peel off the paper, I didn't add any other color. Just soaked the paper with a spray bottle to loosen those fibers and started in.

I thought with this silvery metallic background that B&W would be best (at least for starters). Some of the little texture-y spotty things are actually reflected light from the slightly crinkled foil I glued the print to. Some crinkles from the foil also show.

These are HIE negative scans. My first effort shows an area where some of the printer ink lifted off, in the darkest tonal range on the sidewalk. Sniffle.

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Not really a difficult process, and I had a few canvas boards I'd picked up when I started messing with collage, but never used. :) All comments welcomed and appreciated. Thanks for looking!
Very creative. I like it. Love old town shots. Agreed...B&W works well.
@terri I'm envious of your "out of the box" creative side. The last few months I've had so many things pulling on me in different directions, that my creative ideas have been few and far between.
Very creative. I like it. Love old town shots. Agreed...B&W works well.
Thanks so much! Yes, small towns - and anywhere, really, where there is a certain older architecture seems to call out for special attention, doesn't it? :)
Always liked the look of Kodak metallic paper--sadly discontinued.
I never had the chance to use the Kodak metallic paper - sounds really interesting! Kodak discontinued so many terrific products, including the infrared film used in both these images, HIE.

Just to be clear, these image transfers are mounted on aluminum foil glued to canvas board. :)
@terri I'm envious of your "out of the box" creative side. The last few months I've had so many things pulling on me in different directions, that my creative ideas have been few and far between.
Thank you so much, Smoke! You'll get there. :) There will come a day when you realize you finally have everything gathered that you need, and some free time to get started. It's a challenge, I agree!
Love it as always! Talented terri strikes again!

Oh man I LOVED that metallic paper. Luckily I got to print many many of my negs on that paper back in the day. The new Kodak "metallic" ink jet does not even come close to the old RA4.
Scotty, Cheryl - thank you both so much! ❤️

@webestang64 , I missed a lot of wonderful products, not really appreciating how quickly some would just be discontinued. I'm still sad over HIE, though I still have a few rolls in the freezer. The complete shutdown of *real* Polaroid, OTOH, still feels like a creative blow. :)

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