B/W - first post and new photographer


TPF Noob!
Aug 9, 2006
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Another newbie here. I got a new camera for grad (Kodak Easyshare Z650), and I thought I'd post a few of my photos... This is my first 'decent' camera so I've been going kinda nuts :roll: Anyways here are a few of my favorites:

I must have spent 20 minutes trying to do Smokey some justice - did I nail it?

Playing with reflections on a puddle in our driveway at 4am after a huge thunderstorm...

And finally, my first experiment with photoshop:

Here is a link to the (horrible) original, if you're interested.

Hmm, I play with b/w too much, maybe. There'll be something in colour soon, I promise.
Anyways, go nuts critiqueing :mrgreen: Please?
The first photo I absolutely love. Great shot!!!! matted in black and white and framed in a black frame......just my opinion.

Shot 2, back off a lil ways and get the tree tops in the photo too. But still a good crisp reflection in the puddle.

I like the third one as well, somethin I haven't tried in photo program....black and white with a splash of color....
id like to see a bit more of the real trees as well as the reflection in the second but good idea. that bit of over exposed area in the first is a bit distracting but besides that i love the picture. the thrid is nice i like it, selective coloring is awesome when done right and i think u nailed it. keep taking pictures and posting them up welcome to teh forum
Thanks for the replies :)

I'll definetly keep the comments about the second shot in mind... in that particular situation, if I backed up anymore I would have been in the middle of an evergreen tree and those poplars are huuuuge :P

Anything I can do about that overexposed bit or just watch for it next time?

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