Took my New Camera for it's First Walk


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Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Been getting out mornings walking and have been hanging my Fuji X-T2 from my wrist -- about two pounds. After two hours it can wear on my shoulder. I could take my compact G7 but I'd like a little more capability so I bought myself a new used camera -- my first M 4/3 camera an Olympus E-PL5. It's half the weight of the X-T2 and only 3 ounces more than the G7. It arrived yesterday and the deep freeze is over so here's my first photos learning to figure it out: Oly E-PL5 w/14-42mm



Nice shots, did your camera enjoy its first walk ... :onthego:
Looks like it's doing the job!
A productive walk. Never understood the dismissal of compact cameras as less than serious cameras--whatever that means. Particularly now with cameras like the Ricoh GR and the Fuji X-100 series and others.
Nice collection of photos, I especially like the first one with its leading lines and reflections.
A productive walk. Never understood the dismissal of compact cameras as less than serious cameras--whatever that means. Particularly now with cameras like the Ricoh GR and the Fuji X-100 series and others.
I'm pretty smitten with this little Oly Pen. It only weighs 3 ounces more than my G7 compact but is much more capable. I bought it with the pancake 14-42mm kit zoom and so it's also not much wider -- fits the same little case I used for the G7. The 4/3 sensor is a Sony dual gain sensor and preforms quite nicely. Here's some more photos with it from today: Last Remnant of the Freeze

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