B&W in fog


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2018
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shot this fog pic early morning about 9:15am. Nikon D3400 at f13, 1/400 ISO 100. I tried to soften the grain in the pic in Photoshop Camera Raw. I have had a good response from people about the print I made from this pic.
Marina_fogB&W copy_small.jpg
Very nice. Reminds me of early mornings on the lake in Tennessee where I grew up. Glassy smooth water was perfect for water skiing.
Very nice. We had heavy fog that lasted well into the day here on Friday. I really wanted to be out shooting, but other obligations pulled me away.
Very Nice, Good Shot...!
Well done and congrats on the Nomination.
Very impressive. Shooting in fog is always a challenge; this worked well for you.

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