Background/lighing advice needed


TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2005
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My wife is looking to get the Impact background support pictured here: Impact Background Support Kit - BG-B-1012-SK B&H Photo Video

At some point she also wants to get some softbox lighting. I saw this package on Amazon: CowboyStudio Photography Photo Studio Monolight Flash Lighting Light Kit - 2 Studio Flash/Strobe, 2 Softboxes, 1 Background Support System, Black & White Muslin Backdrops and Carry Case: Electronics

Basically, my question is if the second one is any good? Or should I stick to the Impact one and look for lights separately? Also we have a Nikon d100, so will the lights be compatible?
Did you see just the background support kit?
Impact Background Support System - 12' Wide 3046 B&H Photo Video

I know a couple of people that have that Impact background support system, and it seems like a good deal. No one I know bought the kit that comes with the muslin.

You can buy the clamps at Wal-Mart, and muslin too.

The Cowboy light kits are low-quality gear. The lights are low on power at only 110W and pretty slow to recycle at 5-7 seconds. The 50W modeling lights are prety weak too.

A better deal may be the Adorama Flashpoint II, 320M - 2 light kit or the Calumet Genesis 200 2-light kit.

FP320MPWK Flashpoint 320M Portrait Wedding Monolight Kit, with Two 320 Monolights, Stands,Umbrellas, Snoot and Carrying Case

Calumet Genesis 200 2-Light Kit
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Gotta agree with KmH....the Adorama 320M two-light kit or the Calumet Genesis 200 2-light kit....both are the best value for entry-level yet "real" lighting gear that's not disposable level quality.

Calumet Genesis 200 2-Light Kit

As for the background kits--those are all reasonably's simple stuff that's easy to manufacture,and the eBay and mail-order ones are all reasonably close to one another.

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