Be Mine


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 23, 2012
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Some selfies..

$DSC_0472-1.jpg$DSC_0477-1.jpg$DSC_0479-1-2 copy.jpg

By the way... "be mine" is rhetorical. My heart is already taken.
Not sure if this was the point, but the eyes, pose, etc scream psycho stalker than sexytime look.

of the ones posted, the black and white looks better than the others
You say psycho stalker like it's a bad thing, crazy people deserve to love someone too :lovey:
I was thinking more like 70s porn star.
Last night, a TPF member sent me a Facebook message with a link to this post!!! He was not impressed with the photos. I stopped by, and really didn't know what to say in reply except, "OMG"....Geaux's comment about the eye and crazy stalker makes it sound like crazy stalker is a bad thing, somehow...but, I disagree: it's essential for the horror/stalker/slasher movie genre.

If you want to use these images, I'd overlay some stalker/slasher movie artwork and make a movie poster out of one of these. The middle, color one is the most stalker-y/slasher-y one, IMHO.
Agreed. There is a definite creeper factor here. Lol
If you want to use these images, I'd overlay some stalker/slasher movie artwork and make a movie poster out of one of these. The middle, color one is the most stalker-y/slasher-y one, IMHO.

So then the graphic and text should all be carved into his skin? (Go easy on that, BTW)
HA. Maybe I'll keep my selfies to myself in the future.

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