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Jan 10, 2021
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the light was going fast so i laid down on the floating dock on the pond to shoot this. 600mm @ 1/320 sec. handheld, but my hands were supported by the dock. i never knew how noisy beavers were when they ate. absolutely no table manners at all.

Cool shot. You can see the beady-eyed focus many rodents get when eating.

There used to be a beaver pond near my mom's house. I would often sneak down before dusk and watch.
Great low, eye level pov.

They've reintroduced them here. Can't say I agree but they are here nevertheless.
Very nice image. Great eye level view and composition.
Good shot......
thanks jeff

Cool shot. You can see the beady-eyed focus many rodents get when eating.

There used to be a beaver pond near my mom's house. I would often sneak down before dusk and watch.
thanks rvt1k. he was a little skittish at first, but then he decided dinner was more important than the crazy big eye watching him.

Nice shot. Does you lens or camera have VR?
thanks k9. the sony 200-600mm lens has IS on it. but even with IS, with the size and weight of the lens and if there's any wind catching the lens hood, around 1/1000 sec is about as slow as i can hand hold with consistent results.

Great low, eye level pov.

They've reintroduced them here. Can't say I agree but they are here nevertheless.
thanks space face. they're good at cleaning up fallen branches, but they can also be a menace if the population gets out of control or if they take up residence in a place where they shouldn't be.

Very nice image. Great eye level view and composition.
thanks pjm. the floating dock is relatively new to that pond, without it there's a 3-4 ft slope to shoot down so that would have never worked.
Love the low view. Cute fellow
Nice beaver

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