Beginner Needs Critique - Tiny Dancer

When you upload a picture to it gives you the option of what size you'd like to make it. For the forum I always chose 640x480 setting. Once it's uploaded you'll want to click the image to bring it to it's full size.

Hope this helps!

Oh and fyi...a moderator will probably move this to a more appropriate forum. I've noticed you've posted something similar in several threads...hopefully once it's in a more suitable thread you'll get the help you're asking for :sillysmi:
When you upload a picture to it gives you the option of what size you'd like to make it. For the forum I always chose 640x480 setting. Once it's uploaded you'll want to click the image to bring it to it's full size.

Hope this helps!

Oh and fyi...a moderator will probably move this to a more appropriate forum. I've noticed you've posted something similar in several threads...hopefully once it's in a more suitable thread you'll get the help you're asking for :sillysmi:

Thank you for a reply. I do appreciate it
Well, if you have specific questions about you picture that you want answered/opinions on...then it is in the right place. If you're looking for more general reactions, or what other people think about it then I would put it in the People and Pets Gallery.

Generally you'll get more assistance if you post the image directly in your message. There are a few ways to do that...the way I do it is:

Go to the link you posted and right-click on the image, then choose the option "view image" (this will then be a page with just the image on it).

Then, right-click the url address and choose "copy".

Come back to the message you are posting and in the toolbar there is a button with a grey mountian. Click the button, then right click and choose "paste".

Your image should show up in the message...there are probably easier ways to do this...but it's how I do it :)


Thank you so much!! Ok.. now i feel like an idiot
No need to feel like an idiot! It takes some getting used to :)

My first reactions to this are that it's very cute, but it's also very bright (a bit too bright for me). I'm really not the greatest at critique...

Did you have any specific questions about you image or how to improve it?
Yes... How do I improve it... The original photo was not like this.. I messed around a little to much with photoshop.. Photoshop happy.. Is that a word?? :)
Me again. Is their a critique ediquette? Should I only post 1 pic a day for critique? I know I can't post mutiple images at one time in one post.
I can get a little photoshop-happy myself :blush:

You can post multiple images in the Gallery sections--where you will also get comments and constructive criticism :)
I like the idea but the dress is the most prominent part of the image, the arms and feet and head just sort of fade away.
hey, be honest with you. its well....bright. ide suggest not using photoshop to alter huge parts of a picture like you did in this when your new to ps, its looking extreamly over exposed. and to my suprise its kinda grainy in the black of the dress, not suprising if your iso was set to high. over all i would keep what ever the original, because from what i can see, its a nice little picture.
Thank you for that. So basically it looks like a dress without a head or arms.. :)

Would you say this is an ok picture... I'm a big girl so anything you or anyone says won't hurt my feelings.. I'm from NYC.. I dont have feelings.. tee he.. Ok just kidding I have 1.
I appreciate that Funky!! I thought the same to.. Got a little photoshop happy..

Im using a Nikon D50
Lens - 80-200mm 2.8
Iso - 400
I would say it's an ok picture...but it just depends what you want your pictures to me (and I'm a newbie to don't know if I judge judge what's good or not).

I'm curious about two things: what the original looks like & what the same strategy your trying in photoshop with this picture would look like with black instead of the white.

I have a feeling I'll like the original though :)

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