Beginner Photographer, Want to start with Film!

I would buy a Nikon F4 and just buy AF-S lenses. That way you have lenses that you can use on affordible Nikon DSLR's. The F4 is one of my favorite cameras because its alot easier to use then LCD pro cameras. Its alot like the F5 but having all manual controls makes life easy.
Whatever you get (and I second a Nikon because you might just be able to borrow some of your friends lenses while you are in the process of acquiring you own ;)),
get a notebook to go with it and take copious notes on what you shoot, your settings, time of day, direction (north, south etc), range of the exposure (see the Zone System) and so forth.

You will be a lot happier, a lot sooner. ;)
Just to be clear., Pentax is just as compatible lens wise as Nikon, maybe more so. I use 45 year old Takumars on my digital Pentax ( with an adapter ) and ALL K-mount lenses will work on it too. There are LOADS of old K mount lenses on ebay.
I, too, am just about to get into the film world and am really looking at the Nikon f4 and F100. The F4 is compatible with all Nikon lenses back to 1959 and I kind of like the look and the fact that it's got knobs to control it instead of LCD's and chips. And yet it still can handle all the new (except DX) AF lenses with matrix metering. The metering is only with AI and AIS lenses. Look at Ken Rockwells site for all Nikon lens and camera compatability. And have fun!

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